I have a few articles/videos on the Dashlink system that Doordash offers and is testing in several areas, and they of course are updating and upgrading their systems all the time, for better or worse.
That said, one of the topics I have yet to discuss is Dashlink Central on Doordash.
So in this article, We are talking about:
EVERYTHING You MUST Know about Dashlink Central on Doordash
What they tell you vs how it ACTUALLY is
Everything in between!
Disclaimer: The content of this article does not contain and is never intended to be legal, business, financial, tax, or health advice of any kind, This video is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that you conduct your own research and consult with qualified professionals before applying anything you find online.
I also want to be clear that everything we are going to go over is very market dependent, and what applies to me and my market may not apply to you.
What is DashLink Central?
DashLink Central is a dedicated in-app entry point in the DoorDash app, designed to help you find everything you need to be successful with DashLink deliveries. It is intended to be a place for drivers to learn more about DashLink and your DashLink deliveries, and what you need to do to be opted in or out
So for all those people who want to hop into the comment section on Dashlink offers and need to find the link to their area's waitlist, this is your answer.
In the same section where Dasher Preferences are, is Dashlink Central.
This is where people can hop onto the waitlist, activate those offers and even turn them off if they aren’t your thing.
Will I Still Be Able to Use the QR Code to Join the Waitlist?
A: With the introduction of DashLink Central, you will no longer be able to use any QR codes to join the waitlist.
The codes and links used before they implemented Dasher Central, just like how they sent links and notifications for the LOP when they first launched it. In my opinion, this is better and more simplistic.

How Can I Access DashLink Central?
A: From your DoorDash app, navigate to the Preferences section. From there, you should see two different tabs, one is Doordash and the other is DashLink.
This is probably one of the better updates in my opinion because of the amount of confusion about getting on the waitlist, not receiving them if they don’t want them, etc.
How do I join the waitlist?
A: You can join the DashLink Waitlist through DashLink Central by navigating to the Preferences screen in the DoorDash app. From there, you can access the Waitlist Join page and see your current position on the Waitlist.
Which I went into detail about in this video:
How do I know if I’m on the waitlist?

You can check whether or not you’re on the waitlist by navigating to this section. If you’ve been assigned a spot #, you have successfully joined the waitlist
Which I went into detail about in this video:
Will I Get a Notification When the Waitlist Opens?
Opt-in to be notified each day when the waitlist opens and turn on the “DashLink-Only” toggle while waiting for your potential offer to prevent non-DashLink assignments from being assigned to you.
So this is interesting, I didn’t think they would set up something to where if you ONLY want Dashlink offers that they would give you that option without making you decline a whole lot.
This also gives drivers the option to not be “Dashers” on a general scale and more of a Dashlink driver, which changes the niche you would be involved in on a general scale.
What if DashLink is Not Available in my Market?
If DashLink is not live in your market, you won't see the DashLink tab in the Preferences screen. Instead, you can sign up for notifications to be informed when DashLink becomes available in your area.
That’s funny, it is a waitlist for a waitlist that is hilarious. That said, if you are interested in joining Dashlink and you want to know if it hit your area yet, or let Doordash know that you would be interested and there is demand in your market, this is it.
What Happens if I Turn DashLink Orders OFF While on the Waitlist?
If you turn DashLink orders OFF while on the Waitlist, a confirmation message will appear, and you will be removed from the Waitlist.
In other words, don’t send more mixed messages than a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend.
Can I Join Multiple Waitlists?
In markets with multiple DashLink sites, you can join the Waitlist for the site closest to your current location. You can only join one Waitlist at a time.
This kind of makes sense, but I also wonder if they will implement a preference setting for this as well.
Like if they are close to two sites and you are dashing in one area just because you received an order so now you are closer to that one site, but then another site is closer to your home so you chose that one.
Or maybe you just don’t like how 1 location operates because they are disorganized and dishonest, but the second location is a better run but is a half a mile further away.
I would love that option in the near future.
How Will I Be Notified About my Waitlist Status?
You can see your Waitlist status and position in DashLink Central. Notifications will also inform you when the Waitlist opens, when offers are near you, and when you should start driving for an upcoming offer.
This is very much a first come first serve, the closer you are to the first spot the better chance you have to get an offer.
Dashlink Offers and Earn by time
Now upon investigation on this and double checking with Budsoda because I have been asked this a lot, the only time you would see a Dashlink offer with EBT is if it would cost Doordash more money to keep increasing the cost of the order route than to risk handing it to an EBT driver.
That said, that doesn’t mean it is recommended. Literally the worst of the worst orders end up in EBT, with the worst of the worst customers. So unless you want to get deactivated for “fraudulent activity” which has already been proven to happen, Don’t.
Still Not As Good as Multi-Apping
One of the points I like to make on this subject as a whole is the concept of Diversifying your gig portfolio and developing an exit strategy.
When working as a gig worker, it is vital to keep a well diversified gig portfolio so you can constantly keep busy.
Maybe that means hopping on multiple platforms or even connecting yourself into more professional opportunities.
Also, the point of developing an exit strategy, remember the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal and not the goal.
That would mean you would need to develop a source of income that is independent of your activity, and while there are multiple ways to accomplish this, it is important that you are connected to the right opportunities and have the proper network, and that is where the Driven Wyld Discord Server comes in clutch!
The Driven Wyld exclusive discord community for gig workers looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in their self-employment and entrepreneurial journey by joining our community.
I partnered with Jeffery Lago, the founder of FoodFetched to bring you some of the most exclusive benefits based on your personal needs as a gig worker:
Exclusive Professional opportunities and Gig Postings
More Live Streams with High Level Professionals in our industry
Even an educational system to help you build your own dispatch company and scalable opportunities
Whether you are a gig worker looking for more opportunities to earn, or looking for an exit strategy, because the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal, and would like something with more growth and scalable opportunity.
We broke down the Discord into three tiers:
Exploring the Wyld
Wyld Trailblazers
Wyld Nomad Elite
Each tier has different benefits that build upon each other and help fit your needs as effectively as possible, and will continue to add benefits as we grow!
Sign up and get started on making the most amount of money in the least amount of time in the safest possible way!