So last year in November, I made a video about 3 different updates that were made to the Doordash Platform. With that said, during my Tuesday night Livestream at 9pm EST, we got a lot of comments about the receipt verification system on Doordash.
Which apparently grew to a LOT of different markets.
So in this article, We are talking about:
EVERYTHING You MUST Know about Receipt Photo Verification on Doordash
What they tell you vs how it ACTUALLY is
Everything in between!
Disclaimer: The content of this article does not contain and is never intended to be legal, business, financial, tax, or health advice of any kind, This video is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that you conduct your own research and consult with qualified professionals before applying anything you find online.
I also want to be clear that everything we are going to go over is very market dependent, and what applies to me and my market may not apply to you.
So first of all, as usual, no help pages. The only help page that was available at the time of this recording was one about the QR code verification system and that wasn’t even loading the pictures.
So what website do we go to that would have the information we need, that is clearly unbiased and full of info? Reddit

Taking picture of receipt? New feature or did I get flagged?
Never dealt with this until today. Been a steady dasher for years, essentially pre-pandemic. Is this something new? Or am I getting this because I’m not a good dasher in DD’s eyes?

I think it’s a mix both, sometimes there are only a few bad eggs in an area, but in some markets they really are that bad as a whole so they made a general sweep, or the restaurant made that change on their end and haven’t talked to their own people yet.
It can go either way.
Doordash has been experimenting with a bunch of different methods to verify this information and some have been more annoying than others.
How It Affects Ratings
It did this to me too. Says protect your raring take a picture of receipt. You say no receipt and it makes you take a picture of food, then when delivering it says verify you have correct order. I have a 4.99 rating and 3,000 deliveries. Such a pain in the ass

They always say it will not affect your ratings and then it does. It is such a dishonest business practice, especially when this rating is crucial to being a part of the Dasher Rewards Program. Personally not a fan of that prospect, but for those that are, this is not doing an effective job.
Yep! I had to take the photo of the receipt, then hit confirm pickup after. Sucks, mainly because it’s just an extra unnecessary step we have to take. But someone else I know does DD and they’ve never had to deal with it, ever.

To be honest, I do like that they are making sure the order is delivered to the right person and not just sending out whatever, but I liked the QR code system better. Like if you are going to use receipt verification, use it right!
No Receipt Provided
It’s getting annoying some restaurants don’t even give receipts then the order is sealed so how am I supposed to take a picture of it

This is also true, what about those locations that only use sharpie to write on the bag. What about those restaurants that keep the receipts and rip them off the bag, how are they going to handle that?
Some don’t even have that great of an order flow to begin with so they can’t provide anything at all. This is not a system that can or should be applied to everyone.
How Often Does it Come Up?
It started for me today. Only on certain orders. I think it's for customers who reported missing items in the past. Just guessing.
Nope, every one for me.

Like I said, it really shouldn’t be everyone because every restaurant has a different system. McDonald’s has the most unique of them all, some places just have a name and that’s it, and some don’t actually think this stuff out.
Honestly, it should be the restaurants that you are picking up from should set the system themselves and make it as seamless for the driver as possible on their end so they can prepare.
Will This ACTUALLY Help?
Is this supposed to be to prevent dashers stealing food? If so I don’t see how it’s going to help. The people stealing food never actually mark the orders as picked up in the first place. I don’t see how it could prevent customers from making false claims either. Just seems pointless unless they start requiring all food be dropped off with a photo too.

I think it depends on what you are talking about honestly, so let’s go over each of them.
Prevent Theft
I don’t think it will do much for theft until they find the people who are using multiple accounts on Doordash. Those are the people who feel like they can get away with whatever.
That said, I think the restaurant would have to set up their system to where they have to have you take the picture first and then hand you the food. That would also mean they would have to mark in their system that the order is in your hands at that point.
Will that happen? I doubt it, Grubhub might have because they have 2 separate pages for this, marked as “got order” and leaving and the page changes in each case. Doordash on the other hand, doesn’t.
Missing Item Reports
Missing items are due to 3 major factors:
The driver messing with the order, which is not as often as people want to believe
The customer wanting a partial refund
The restaurant not doing their due diligence
We can’t control what the customer is going to do and preventing those measures is really on Doordash handling that, not the driver.
The restaurant needs to train their staff to actually complete the orders, and not play stupid games with the driver or send out an order before the whole order is done. That isn’t the responsibility of the driver, that is the responsibility of the restaurant.
Taking a picture of a receipt will not accomplish that.
Order Never Arrived Scams
In order for a driver to take a picture of a receipt, they have to be in the store, whereas the customer would be at home. The only thing you are confirming here is that the driver has the right order, not whether or not it gets there.
So the contactless delivery is really solving that for the most part anyway. Also, wouldn’t that only be a problem if the contactless delivery took a picture of the wrong order? Like if they had a stacked order and you gave them the wrong one? It doesn’t seem to stop them.
Also, customers pull shady things all the time, that doesn’t mean a picture at pick-up will solve much.
If you would like to add some other perspective to how the Receipt Verification System on Doordash, feel free to email me: and who knows? Maybe your email or perspective and be featured in a post as well!