So one of the things I always say is to have a very well diversified gig portfolio, and one of the apps you may run into is the cartwheel app, and this app has opened and closed a lot of opportunities for a lot of gig workers.
So in this article, We are talking about:
EVERYTHING You MUST Know about the Cartwheel app
What they tell you vs how it ACTUALLY is
Everything in between!
Disclaimer: The content of this article does not contain and is never intended to be legal, business, financial, tax, or health advice of any kind, This article is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that you conduct your own research and consult with qualified professionals before applying anything you find online.
I also want to be clear that this is coming from the perspective of the gig worker, not a company who is using it, so my experience may be more difficult to understand if you are someone who is deciding whether or not to use this for your gig workers.
Although, I will encourage you to read through it anyway because I am going to EXPOSE a major flaw in their system that may surprise you!
What is Cartwheel?
Cartwheel is a software that a lot of smaller gig companies use to send orders through to their drivers, and it’s a damn good one too. You would be surprised how many companies don’t use their own software to send out orders.
Saves on money and time, and they can focus on bringing in more orders.
Now I want that to be as clear as possible, THIS IS NOT A GIG APP, this is a software that Gig companies use. So many people have asked about that, that even Cartwheel had to make it as clear as day on their homepage.

Signing Up for Cartwheel
Now because Cartwheel isn’t a gig app, you need to be invited by the company in which you are onboarding with in order to be on Cartwheel. So for those people in my comments section asking me “how do I sign up for Cartwheel”, you have to sign up with a “cartwheel company.”
Using Cartwheel as a Gig Worker
Using the app is rather self explanatory, and is broken down into 5 tabs at the bottom:

This tab is where orders are sent through and can be claimed. There are two different types of orders that would be sent to you.
You have an order assigned to you: An order with a decline button and you are the only person seeing it at the moment.
New order available: Which doesn’t have a decline button, but is being seen by anyone who is signed up with this dispatcher.
Which only applies to the company you are logged in with at the moment, we will go over what I mean by that later.
This tab is where you can see the route that you would need to take and even the tab to complete the order in.
This is also where you are completing the order, going into the GPS, taking the picture, literally every step of the order.
Chat is where you can contact the dispatcher but to be honest, I hate it. I would make sure that you save the number of some of the dispatchers you work with, or some of the support agents.
Find out how the structure of the company you are working with is utilizing their support system, because the in app chat is kind of trash.
Every time you complete a delivery, the order payout amount and even the details that would be in the history tab.
Just go to the day that you did the order for, click on the order and you can see all the details, including payout and all the information you saw and imputed during the delivery.
This may not be the best name for this tab. This is more like a settings page where you can set your GPS, connect to the resources available and everything else. I always add a profile photo, that is up to you though.
Cartwheel Bottle Neck
The major problem I see with Cartwheel at the moment is something I call the “Cartwheel Bottleneck”. Simply put, there are a lot of Cartwheel companies as we call them, out there but you can only be logged into one at a time.
So if I want to work with Jackrabbit deliveries for example, I would have to log out of any other accounts from let’s say Red Wagon Delivers, and I still wouldn’t be “online” for Bolt Deliveries. How can they send you orders if you aren’t online to receive them?
Cartwheel did confirm that they are planning to work on something that can help us do that in the future but like… come on guys. You can’t wait for them to make a solution for you, you have to be more proactive than that.
The Work Around
So one of the things that Foodfetched did was sign up for their white label system. To where it is their own app in the app store but it would cost them more.
Which is to be expected, but at least you wouldn’t have to worry about signing up for different gigs.
It’s actually more common than you think, DeliverThat uses a software called Vromo to dispatch their orders, and it is basically the same thing but blue.
Having Multiple Devices
One of the things we did confirm is that you can download Cartwheel on just about any smartphone, but not tablet or other devices. Which stinks, but it does show there are benefits to having multiple phones.
Don’t let the teams know that though, because we don’t need them in our markets.
Common Nonsense from Gig Companies
Some of the companies that I worked with like to play games with transparency, which is just frustrating. Sometimes they will tell you how far an order is, but they won’t tell you how much it pays.
Sometimes, they won’t track your location so they will blame the communication challenge on “that was ezCater” and they will badger you on your ETA every 32 seconds.
Just be smart to not just blindly agree to everything.
Mostly Catering Orders
Almost every company I have worked with on this stuff is doing mostly ezCater orders, some do other things I am sure, but for the ones I have directly worked with, that is definitely their primary system.
Either way, Cartwheel companies are good to work with but it is also important to work with multiple apps and companies when being involved with any kind of delivery. Be as well diversified as possible in case something happens in the catering space, that is where the Driven Wyld Discord Community can come in clutch.
The Driven Wyld exclusive discord community for gig workers looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in their self-employment and entrepreneurial journey by joining our community.
I partnered with Jeffery Lago, the founder of FoodFetched to bring you some of the most exclusive benefits based on your personal needs as a gig worker:
Exclusive Professional opportunities and Gig Postings
More Live Streams with High Level Professionals in our industry
Even an educational system to help you build your own dispatch company and scalable opportunities
Whether you are a gig worker looking for more opportunities to earn, or looking for an exit strategy, because the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal, and would like something with more growth and scalable opportunity.
We broke down the Discord into three tiers:
Exploring the Wyld
Wyld Trailblazers
Wyld Nomad Elite
Each tier has different benefits that build upon each other and help fit your needs as effectively as possible, and will continue to add benefits as we grow!
Sign up and get started on making the most amount of money in the least amount of time in the safest possible way.
If you would like to add some other perspective about the Cartwheel App from a Gig Workers Perspective, feel free to email me: and who knows? Maybe your email or perspective and be featured in a post as well!