So on UberEats there is this concept that has been abused on the platform by the low-functioning failures on the platform and that is Tip-Baiting!
Now I have been tip baited on the platform multiple times but I have also got my money back from UberEats and then some multiple times! This time I got paid even more than what I was expecting.
So in this article, We are talking about:
What Happened During this Delivery
How I got paid even more than normal!
Everything in between!
Disclaimer: The content of this article does not contain and is never intended to be legal, business, financial, tax, or health advice of any kind, This article is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that you conduct your own research and consult with qualified professionals before applying anything you find online.
I also want to be clear that everything we are going to go over is not only very market dependent but also case by case, and what applies to me and my market may not apply to you.
The Order Itself

So I pick up an order from one of the sushi places near here that is pretty good on turn around times, they know me by face and we chat for a minute to catch up and I move on.
I make my way through snowbird traffic in South Florida to the customer almost losing my mind and I get to the point of delivering the order.
They make the unusual request to leave the order by the garage, which I really don’t think much of, there are a fair amount of people who just prefer that and I have no problem.
Take my picture, tell them I just dropped off their order by the garage, as per their request, and I hope they have an awesome day. Really nothing else that was noteworthy.
Later on, I noticed that I got the tip in, but it was only for part of what it should have been. $14.08 payout and only received $10.44? The order still fit the dollars to mile ratio, but I was not having it, today was not the day to screw with me.
Dealing with Support

So I am pretty annoyed already. I turn on the camera and hop on the phone with support, I go through the transfer loop with 2 support agents, and finally on the line with the Agent from the Uber Support team.
Who didn’t seem to want to transfer me to the supervisor. Never let them gate-keep the supervisor from you. Don’t even let them finish their statement from there, just get a supervisor.
Well they are probably going to say the same thing anyway.
Well then put them on and let them!
I finally got one on the phone and after they tried to play a stupid game with me, I explained that this was a violation of contract and beat that point until they finally paid me… not the $3.48, but $10. Honestly, if I got the $3.48 I would have been happy, but I got more than that!
Not Always Worth It
Right now it seems that for UberEats orders that are tip baited and canceled, they are gate-keeping more and also paying more, and that is kind of the unspoken secret here, but that will not always be the case, sometimes it will lead to more work than it is worth.
Sometimes I get decent orders while on the phone with support and some of them are actually really good.
That said, the real way to make sure you are getting the value you are worth is by developing a diversified gig portfolio and exit strategy, the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal, not the goal!
Of course one of the best places to accomplish that goal is through the Driven Wyld Discord Server!
The Driven Wyld discord community is exclusive for gig workers looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in their self-employment and entrepreneurial journey’s.
I partnered with high level professionals to bring you some of the most exclusive benefits based on your personal needs as a gig worker:
Exclusive Professional opportunities and Gig Postings
More Live Streams with High Level Professionals in our industry
Educational systems designed to help you build your own dispatch company as well as other scalable opportunities
Driven Wyld is kicking off the Dispatching for Beginners Course and we are changing the game and transforming how businesses serve customers and how Gig Workers get opportunities!
So whether you are a gig worker looking for more opportunities to earn, or looking for an exit strategy, because the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal, and would like something with more growth and scalability, there is something here for you.
Join Here and get started on making the most amount of money in the least amount of time in the safest possible way, we are looking forward to helping you secure your financial future!
If you would like to add some other perspective to getting back your tips after being Tip Baited on UberEats, feel free to email me: and who knows? Maybe your email or perspective and be featured in a post as well!